Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A great day so far!

The day began with an excellent presentation from Marc Dollinger, a professor at San Francisco State University. He spoke on the topic “Seeing Opportunities in Innovation.” He was not only humorous and kept our attention, he spoke honestly and thoughtfully. He set the San Francisco Jewish scene for us brilliantly as he did a sweep of the last four generations of Jews living in San Francisco. He said many wonderful things, but one of my favorite quotes was that “no generation is more authentic than another.” Professor Dollinger helped frame for us the various adventures we would experience on our day out of the hotel and into the San Francisco Community. I attended the site learning session on “friends, foes, or somewhere in Between? Jewish-Muslim relations in the US: challenges to confront, ways to move forward”. The session was lead by the co-Executive directors of Abraham’s vision Aaron Hahn Tapper and Huda Abu Arqoub. It was held at the Islamic Society of San Francisco and we learned about their two major programs, the unity program and the vision program. I would suggest going on-line to their web site to learn more . Although it was a long session, I felt it was incredibly valuable to hear about a successful program that brings Jews and Muslims together in the hopes of giving them a vision of the future that is just and fair.
I really appreciate spending the day, in an intense learning experience as we had today. Well done program committee!!!

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