Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Remembering mandatory services

Apparently, when I was a year-in-Israel student, the faculty and staff found the attendance at morning services so terrible the following year they made them mandatory for all YII students.  That's right, they were taking attendance at rabbinical school.

Last night there was a performance/presentation by Peter Sagal of "Wait, wait don't tell me."  It was extremely well attended.  The evening was designed to transition immediately into Ma'ariv.  As soon as the service started the room emptied by half.  That's right.  The rabbis were walking out of the room for services. 

I'm not suggesting that services every should be mandatory.  Believe me.  However, it makes me sad to realize that the opportunity for spirituality, a chance to be a congregant at services, was not a priority for my colleagues last night. 

I am grateful that I got to be at services at services last night.  I prayed, I was moved, and I felt God's presence sitting amongst my colleagues, being led in prayer by my colleagues. 

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps the late hour was the barrier. After a full day, I would have appreciated Maariv being schedule a few hours earlier in the evening.
