Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lunch in China town was outstanding!!!

I had lunch at House of Nan King and it was some of the best Chinese food I have had. And so with a happy belly, I attended the afternoon session. I attended the session titled: “visual T’filah – using digital media in the Sanctuary.” It was lead by Dan Moskovitz our colleague at Temple Judea in the San Fernando Valley and Dan Medwin an Erev Rabbi who has an incredible handle on how one goes about creating visual T’filah. It is a whole new world and no doubt change can be intimidating but I think when used in the right situation and setting it can be an incredibly wonderful way to make worship assessable. I was impressed with the level of creativity and I look forward to seeing where this is going to go. After that fabulous session, we had our CCAR meeting which actually was very good as we adopted unanimously the proposed changes to the CCAR code of ethics. We had very important financial updates given to us by our incredibly committed and hard working officers. If I have one criticism it is that this meeting with our CCAR leadership is poorly attended. Yes we are over programmed a bit, but I do not understand why our membership does not take a more positive and active role in such sessions. We should all feel a sense of responsibility toward our conference and I think it would be a great discussion on why so many feel disconnected or disinterested. What do you think?
Well after a fast shower I had dinner at another lovely restaurant. Then our evening program, concluding with none other than eating Ice Cream while overlooking the beautiful city of San Francisco. What a great last snap shot of this terrific convention. Now off to the room to pack and get some sleep.

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